共 8 条近义词
苦口婆心形容像耐心慈祥的老婆婆那样好心好意地反复劝慰。英advise in earnest words and with good intention; persuade patiently;[查看详情]
谆谆告诫形容恳切教导。英repeatedly admonish;[查看详情]
百听不厌形容乐曲或歌曲好听使人听多少遍也不厌烦。英be worth hearing a hundred times; never get tired of hearing;[查看详情]
耳提面命《诗经大雅抑》:“匪面命之言提其耳。”意思是不但当面教导他而且揪着他的耳朵向他讲。后来用“耳提面命”形容恳切地教导。英din exhortations into sb's ears;[查看详情]
不厌其烦不嫌麻烦。例有抑扬顿挫、低回往复的韵文多读也不厌其烦。——郭沫若《洪波曲》英do not mind to take all the trouble; be very patient;[查看详情]
循循善诱善于有步骤地辅导他人学习。例循循善诱服膺儒行。——南朝梁刘孝标《辨命论》英be good at giving systematic guidance; lead the students skillfully by orderly method; teach with skill and patience;[查看详情]
金针度人古指采娘七夕祭织女得金针而刺绣越发长进。比喻将高明的技艺、秘诀授与他人。例用笔之活可作金针度人。——鲁迅《集外集拾遗怀旧》英teach others a knack of the trade;[查看详情]