共 6 条近义词
超然物外超出现实生活之外。英be free from things of the world; hold aloof from the world;[查看详情]
作壁上观即袖手旁观。英be an onlooker; sit by and watch; watch the fighting from behind the rampart;[查看详情]
袖手旁观在旁观望不过问事情。例弈棋者胜负之形,虽国工有所不尽而袖手旁观者常见之,何则?——宋苏轼《朝辞赴定州论事状》英look on (或 stand by) with folded arms;[查看详情]
冷眼旁观局外人的静观。例欺人意气总难堪冷眼旁观也不甘。——《水浒传》英look on coldly as a bystander; look coldly from the side-lines; take a detached point of view;[查看详情]
隔岸观火隔岸相望火灾比喻不关痛痒袖手旁观。例在人家有危难的时候你是挺身而出还是隔岸观火这也是一种严峻的考验。英watch a fire from the safe haven of immunity; Fiddle while Rome is burning.;[查看详情]