
共 5 条近义词

  • 恶积祸盈

    è jī huò yíng


  • 死有余辜

    sǐ yǒu yú gū

    死有余辜谓罪大恶极虽死仍不能抵偿罪恶。例(侯)览之从横没财己幸;(徐)宣犯衅过,死有余辜。——《后汉书陈蕃传》英death will not expiate all his crimes;[查看详情]

  • 恶贯满盈

    è guàn măn yíng

    恶贯满盈形容罪大恶极就象钱串已满,已到末日。英be guilty of the worst crimes; be replete with vices; be sunk is sins; face retribution for a life of crime;[查看详情]

  • 罪大恶极

    zuì dà è jí

    罪大恶极罪孽深重恶贯满盈。英be guilty of the most atrocious crimes;[查看详情]

  • 罪该万死

    zuì gāi wàn sǐ

    罪该万死极言罪恶深重就是处死一万次也不足以偿其罪。例奴婢们没有进寝宫来重敷衾褥这是奴婢们的罪该万死。——《孽海花》英be guilty of crimes for which even death can’t atone; guilty of a crime for which it deserves to die ten thousand times;[查看详情]