共 11 条近义词
天灾人祸泛指旱、涝、地震等天然之灾及战乱、失火、伤亡等人为之祸。英calamities of nature and calamities imposed by other people;[查看详情]
痛定思痛事后追忆痛苦的往事,痛苦更甚。英draw a lesson from a bitter experience; recall the past with pangs in the heart; take one's painful experience to heart;[查看详情]
悲不自胜胜:禁受。悲伤得自己禁受不了。形容极悲伤。例太后因号泣而言左右莫不垂涕舜悲不自胜。——汉荀悦《汉纪平帝纪》言讫歔欷流涕悲不自胜。——唐无名氏《异闻集柳毅》英unbearably sad;[查看详情]
肝肠寸断形容悲痛欲绝。例腹中如汤灌肝肠寸寸断。——《乐府诗集华山畿》英be heartbroken as the liver and bowels have been cut to pieces; be filled with deep sorrow;[查看详情]
死去活来昏迷过去又苏醒过来形容内心十分悲伤。例哭得死去活来。英hovering between life and death; be half dead and half alive;[查看详情]
悲痛欲绝感情或感觉上悲痛到极点。例当他听到他朋友去世的消息时他悲痛欲绝。英be filled with deep sorrow; with emotion of grief;悲不欲生。英convulsed with a rage of grief;[查看详情]
如丧考妣考妣:父母。好像死了父母一样。形容悲伤和着急(贬义)例二十有八载帝乃殂落,百姓如丧考妣三载,四海遏密八音。——《书舜典》英look as if one had lost one's parents—look utterly wretched;[查看详情]
痛哭流涕尽情大哭感伤悲愤至极。英cry one's eyes out; cry one's heart out;[查看详情]
呼天抢地大声呼天以头撞地。形容极为悲痛。例吓得府尹夫妻魂魄飞散,呼天抢地的号哭!——《醒世恒言吴衙内邻舟赴约》英lament to heaven and knock one's head on earth utter cries of anguish;[查看详情]