
共 5 条近义词

  • 脉络

    mài luò

    脉络中医对动脉和静脉的统称。英a general name for arteries and veins;比喻条理或头绪。英sequence of ideas; thread of thoughts;维管植物的维管系统。英skeleton;[查看详情]

  • 线索

    xiàn suǒ

    线索比喻事情可寻的端绪路径;隐密的消息;思路脉络。例我想汪牢头之言实有线索,堂上付之不理教我怎生奈何?——《禅真后史》英clue; thread;[查看详情]

  • 眉睫

    méi jié

    眉睫眉毛和睫毛;比喻近在眼前。英as close to the eye as the eyebrows and eyelashes;[查看详情]

  • 眉目

    méi mù

    眉目眉和眼。英brow and eye;面貌。例眉目清秀。英features;事情的头绪。例把事情弄出点眉目来再走。英prospect of a solution;文章的条理。例在重要处划线以清眉目。英logic; sequence of ideas;[查看详情]

  • 端倪

    duān ní

    端倪事情的头绪迹象。例反复终始不知端倪。——《庄子大宗师》。成疏:“端绪也,倪,畔也。”英general shape; clue; inkling;边际。英boundary; bound;[查看详情]