
共 7 条近义词

  • 山南海北

    shān nán hăi běi

    山南海北指遥远的地方。例山南海北到处都有勘探队员的足迹。英all over the land; far and wide as south of the mountains and norths of the seas;比喻说话乱扯一气没有个中心。例两人山南海北谈了半天。英talk about this and that;[查看详情]

  • 天涯海角

    tiān yá hăi jiăo

    天涯海角天的边界海的角落,指极远的地方。亦形容彼此相隔极远。英the uttermost parts of the earth; the farthermost points of the earth;[查看详情]

  • 咫尺天涯

    zhǐ chǐ tiān yá

    咫尺天涯相距很近却像远在天边,形容相见之难。英a short distance away,and yet poles apart—see little of each other though living nearby;[查看详情]

  • 动如参商

    dòng rú cān shāng


  • 天南地北

    tiān nán dì běi

    天南地北相距遥远。英separate far and wide; be far apart;形容谈话漫无边际。英every and any subject under the sun;形容地区各不相同。英from different places or areas;[查看详情]

  • 日东月西

    rì dōng yuè xī


  • 千里迢迢

    qiān lǐ tiáo tiáo
