
共 7 条近义词

  • 冥顽不化

    míng wán bù huà


  • 顽固不化

    wán gù bù huà


  • 陈规陋习

    chén guī lòu xí

    陈规陋习过了时的不合理的规章制度和习惯。英outmoded conventions;[查看详情]

  • 因循守旧

    yīn xún shǒu jiù

    因循守旧死守老一套不图更新。英lockstep; follow the beaten track old routine;[查看详情]

  • 故步自封

    gù bù zì fēng

    故步自封故步:旧时行步的方法。遵行旧时的步法而封闭自限。喻墨守成规不求进步。英confine oneself to the old method; stand still and cease to move a step forward;[查看详情]

  • 抱残守缺

    bào cán shǒu quē

    抱残守缺守着残缺的东西不放。形容思想守旧不知变革。英be conservative; be a sticker (traditionalist) for ancient ways and things;[查看详情]

  • 循规蹈矩

    xún guī dăo jǔ

    循规蹈矩适合常规和习俗。例与镇上循规蹈矩的人合不来。英nice; act with directions; follow the usual rules and regulations; toe the line;也用于形容拘守成规不敢有所变动。例皆因看的你们是三四代的老妈妈最是循规蹈矩。——《红楼梦》[查看详情]