共 5 条近义词
奋发图强振作精神努力工作以谋求强盛。英go all out to make the country strong; work energetically for the prosperity of the country;[查看详情]
雄才大略杰出的才能非凡的谋略。例宣帝居上将之重诸子并有雄才大略。——《晋书景怀夏侯皇后传》英(a man of) great talent and bold vision; statesman of rare gifts and bold strategy;[查看详情]
自强不息自强:自己努力向上。指自觉地努力向上永远不松劲。例一个人只有自强不息才能到达理想的彼岸。英make unremitting efforts to improve oneself; constantly strive to become stronger;[查看详情]
卧薪尝胆身卧于柴薪口尝着苦胆。比喻发奋磨砺时刻不忘雪耻。例此臣子痛心切骨卧薪尝胆,宜思所以报也。——《宋史胡宏传》越勾践卧薪尝胆欲报吴。——《吴越春秋》英stoop to conquer; firm resolve in danger to wipe out a national humiliation;[查看详情]