共 13 条近义词
提纲挈领提网之纲,挈衣之领。比喻举其要领扼其要害,就能理顺关系处事得心应手。英bring out the essentials by concentrating on the main points;[查看详情]
要言不烦要:简要。烦:烦琐。指说话简明扼要。英give the essentials in simple language; important statement need not be prolix;[查看详情]
言简意赅语言虽精练简洁但已概括要义。英words are few,but they contain profound truth; be precise and to the point;[查看详情]
画龙点睛以唐张彦远《历代名画记》所述张繇僧画龙点睛的故事比喻绘画、作文在紧要之处加上一笔使其灵活而有神。英add the touch that brings a work of art to life; add a word or two to clinch the point; put life into sth.like dotting the eyeball in painting a drag[查看详情]
刀刀见血比喻说话厉害。例口尖舌利刀刀见血,把人们的火都拱起来了。——古立高《隆冬》英speak sharply;[查看详情]
一语破的一句话就说中要害点破实质。英hit the mark with a single comment;[查看详情]
一针见血比喻说话、做文章直截、简短而切中要害。英hit sb.on the raw; penetratingly;[查看详情]
单刀直入原意是勇猛前进现在则比喻说话直截了当锋芒甚锐。例若是作家战将便请单刀直入。——宋释原道《景德传灯录》英speak out without beating about the bush; come straight to the point;[查看详情]
鞭辟入里原指学习要切实。现常用来形容言论或文章说理透彻、深刻。也说“鞭辟近里”(里头)英trenchant; penetrating; incisive;[查看详情]
对症下药原指医生针对病情处方用药现在常用来比喻针对具体情况决定采取措施或处理办法。例你要老实把原因告诉我我才能对症下药。英suit the medicine to the illness; (fig) suit the remedy to the case; prescribe the right remedy for an illness;[查看详情]
入木三分唐朝张环權《书断》说,东晋书法家王羲之在木板上写字刻字的人发现字迹的墨汁透入木板有三分深。后用“入木三分”形容书法笔力遒劲也比喻见解、议论深刻、确切。例入木三分诗思锐散霞五色物华新。——清赵翼《瓯北诗抄》英with bitter incisiveness;[查看详情]