
共 7 条词语

  • 拖泥带水

    tuō ní dài shuǐ

    拖泥带水形容在泥泞道路上行走的状貌。比喻办事拖沓不爽快或语言不简明扼要。英messy; sloppy; slovenly; drag through mud and water;[查看详情]

  • 积重难返

    jī zhòng nán făn

    积重难返积存的问题或陋习很深难以改变。英bad old practices die hard; it is difficult to get rid of deep-rooted practices; ingrained habits cannot be cast off overnight;[查看详情]

  • 拖拖拉拉

    tuō tuō lā lā


  • 瞻前顾后

    zhān qián gù hòu

    瞻前顾后看看前面再看看后面,指办事考虑细致周密也指顾虑太多,犹豫不定。英look ahead and behind—be overcautious and indecisive;[查看详情]

  • 慢条斯理

    màn tiáo sī lǐ

    慢条斯理缓慢而有条理。比喻从容不迫。英slowly and methodically;[查看详情]

  • 按兵不动

    àn bīng bù dòng

    按兵不动指挥官止住军队暂不行动,等待战机。英not throw the troops into battle; take no action; be kept imobilized; bide one's time;比喻接受任务后暂不执行以观望形势的发展。英bide one's time;[查看详情]

  • 和风细雨

    hé fēng xì yǔ

    和风细雨比喻耐心地和颜悦色地批评或劝说。例多做细致的思想工作和风细雨,帮人帮心。英like a gentle breeze and a mild rain——in a gentle and mild way;[查看详情]