共 5 条词语
因循守旧死守老一套不图更新。英lockstep; follow the beaten track old routine;[查看详情]
墨守成规比喻拘泥于成见而不善于机变。英stick to conventions;[查看详情]
蹈常袭故墨守成规沿用旧法。指照老规矩办事。例后之君子蹈常而袭故,惴惴焉惧不免于天下。——宋苏轼《伊尹论》英go on in the same old way; be a slave to old methods of doing things; follow the conventional tradition;[查看详情]
守株待兔比喻死守经验不知变通。亦用以讽刺妄想不劳而获的侥幸心理。英stand by a stump waiting for more hares to come and clash themselves against it—trust to chance and windfalls;[查看详情]
陈陈相因仓中粮食逐年累加久而不食,则变为陈粮。后以此比喻处理问题因袭旧法毫无改进。英follow a set routine; do sth in a conventional way;[查看详情]