
共 18 条词语

  • 山南海北

    shān nán hăi běi

    山南海北指遥远的地方。例山南海北到处都有勘探队员的足迹。英all over the land; far and wide as south of the mountains and norths of the seas;比喻说话乱扯一气没有个中心。例两人山南海北谈了半天。英talk about this and that;[查看详情]

  • 天涯地角

    tiān yá dì jiăo


  • 天涯海角

    tiān yá hăi jiăo

    天涯海角天的边界海的角落,指极远的地方。亦形容彼此相隔极远。英the uttermost parts of the earth; the farthermost points of the earth;[查看详情]

  • 地角天涯

    dì jiăo tiān yá

    地角天涯比喻相隔很远。例地角天涯外人号鬼哭边。——唐僧贯休《塞上曲》英in the four corners of the earfh;[查看详情]

  • 关山迢递

    guān shān tiáo dì


  • 咫尺天涯

    zhǐ chǐ tiān yá

    咫尺天涯相距很近却像远在天边,形容相见之难。英a short distance away,and yet poles apart—see little of each other though living nearby;[查看详情]

  • 舍近求远

    shě jìn qiú yuăn

    舍近求远形容做事走弯路或追求不切实际的东西。也说“舍近谋远”例这种东西本地就出产无需舍近求远到外地去订购。英seek far and wide for what lies close at hand; be careless for the present and scheme for the future;[查看详情]

  • 海北天南

    hăi běi tiān nán

    海北天南一个在天南,一个在海北,形容相距极远。也作“天南海北”。也形容地区各不相同。例昔年意气结群英几度朝回一字行。海北天南零落尽两人相见洛阳城。——唐刘禹锡《洛中逢韩七中丞之吴兴口号五首》英faraway,distance from north sea to south sky;[查看详情]

  • 天南地北

    tiān nán dì běi

    天南地北相距遥远。英separate far and wide; be far apart;形容谈话漫无边际。英every and any subject under the sun;形容地区各不相同。英from different places or areas;[查看详情]

  • 遥遥在望

    yáo yáo zài wàng


  • 路远迢迢

    lù yuăn tiáo tiáo


  • 天各一方

    tiān gè yī fāng

    天各一方通常指家庭或朋友分住在各处。英live far apart from each other;[查看详情]

  • 不远万里

    bù yuăn wàn lǐ

    不远万里不以万里为远。形容不怕长途跋涉。例他不远万里来到中国。英make light of travelling a thousand li;[查看详情]

  • 千里迢遥

    qiān lǐ tiáo yáo


  • 不远千里

    bù yuăn qiān lǐ


  • 九霄云外

    jiǔ xiāo yún wài

    九霄云外九重云天之外。形容极高极远之处。例恰便似九霄云外滴溜溜飞下一纸赦书来。——元马致远《黄粱梦》英beyond the highest heavens;比喻一干二净踪影全无。例从深雪中走过,一切担心都抛到九霄云外。英wind;[查看详情]

  • 千里迢迢

    qiān lǐ tiáo tiáo


  • 望穿秋水

    wàng chuān qiū shuǐ

    望穿秋水指盼望急切(秋水比喻眼睛)英look forward with impatient expectancy;[查看详情]