
共 9 条词语

  • 不怀好意

    bù huái hào yì

    不怀好意胸怀恶意怀有不可告人的目的。英harbour an evil design; have bad intentions;[查看详情]

  • 冷嘲热讽

    lěng cháo rè fěng

    冷嘲热讽尖刻的嘲笑辛辣的讽刺。例他想起曾经受到的冷嘲热讽心里很是不服。英ridicule; burning scorching satire and freezing irony; give sb. a dig; mock rant and rave;[查看详情]

  • 无可奈何

    wú kě nài hé

    无可奈何没有办法;无能为力。例既已无可奈何。——《战国策燕策》然终无可奈何。——《史记屈原贾生列传》出无可奈何。——宋文天祥《指南录后序》英helpless; have no alternative; have no way out; be utterly hopeless;[查看详情]

  • 冷言冷语

    lěng yán lěng yǔ

    冷言冷语含有讥讽意味的冰冷的话。例多九公被两个女子冷言冷语只管催逼急得满面青红恨无地缝可钻。——清李汝珍《镜花缘》英sarcastic comment; cold words; shafts of ridicule; talk behind sb's back;[查看详情]

  • 敷衍了事

    fū yăn liăo shì

    敷衍了事办事责任心不强将就应付。例他敷衍了事地说了几句对方根本没有听懂。英gloss things over; do the routine work superficially; muddle with one's duty;[查看详情]

  • 阳奉阴违

    yáng fèng yīn wéi

    阳奉阴违当众同意背后反对。例如有日与胥徒比而阳奉阴违,名去实存者,断以白简随其后。——《明臣奏议革大户行召募疏》英overtly agree, but covertly oppose; out wardly obey but inwardly oppose;[查看详情]

  • 虚情假意

    xū qíng jiă yì

    虚情假意虚假的情意。形容不真诚做作。例那妖精巧言花语虚情假意地答道:…——《西游记》英phonily affection; pretended friendship false display of affection; hypocritical show of friendship;[查看详情]

  • 假仁假义

    jiă rén jiă yì

    假仁假义内心奸恶假作仁义;内心毫不同情表面装作关切。英to be a wolf in sheep’s skin; hypocrisy; don a pious mask; pass the bottle of smoke; pretended sham benevolence and righteousness; pretend to be the paragon of virtue;[查看详情]

  • 老奸巨猾

    lăo jiān jù huá

    老奸巨猾深历世故十分奸诈狡猾的人。例老奸巨猾匿身州悬,舞法扰民。——《宋史食货志》英crafty old scoundrel; deep old file; shrewd and crafty; great hypocrite; old hand at trickery and deception; sly wily old fox;[查看详情]