共 12 条词语
切磋琢磨切、磋、琢、磨是指把骨头、象牙、玉石、石头等加工成器物。后用以比喻学习和研究问题时互相讨论取长补短。例切磋琢磨,乃成宝器。——汉王充《论衡》英education as a gradual polishing process;[查看详情]
耳熟能详耳朵听得多了熟悉得能详尽地说出来。英have heard sth. many times that one can make a detailed explanation of it;[查看详情]
追根究底追究底细。一般指追究事情的原由。也作“寻根究底”、“追根刨底”、“追根问底”英get to the root of the matter;[查看详情]
寻根究底寻求和追究事物的根底。英get to the bottom of things; inquire deeply into;[查看详情]
刨根问底认真盘究查问弄清根底原由。又作“盘根问底”例她就刨根挖底地问:“我看你怕有点事情吧不要瞒我”英inquire into the root of the matter;[查看详情]
暴饮暴食又猛又急地大量吃喝使身体失调。英crapulous; eatand drink too much at one meal;[查看详情]
锲而不舍不停地镂刻。比喻坚持不懈。例锲而舍之朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。——《荀子劝学》英keep on carving unflaggingly;[查看详情]
举一反三从一件事情类推而知道其他许多事情。英draw inferences about other cases from one instance;[查看详情]
冰清玉洁像冰一样清明玉一样纯洁。比喻人品高尚、纯洁做事光明磊落。英be pure like jade and clear like ice; be pure-minded;[查看详情]