
共 3 条词语

  • 离经叛道

    lí jīng pàn dào

    离经叛道背离正道;违反正统的经典道德规范。例且本官志大言浮离经叛道。——《元曲选外编贬黄州》英depart from the classics and rebel against orthodoxy; be guilty of heterodoxy; be heretical and deviate from the true teachings;[查看详情]

  • 积非成是

    jī fēi chéng shì

    积非成是错误的东西积年累月维持下去反而逐渐被当成正确的东西看待。例众口铄金积非成是。——鲁迅《三闲集》英many mistakes makes “right”; Accumulation of errors makes correctness;[查看详情]

  • 积重难返

    jī zhòng nán făn

    积重难返积存的问题或陋习很深难以改变。英bad old practices die hard; it is difficult to get rid of deep-rooted practices; ingrained habits cannot be cast off overnight;[查看详情]