共 8 条词语
记挂惦念思念不在身边的人或某事。英miss; keep thinking about;[查看详情]
记住留在记忆中。例考试前要记住那些日期。英remember; bear in mind; carry in one's head; bearn by heart;[查看详情]
纪念思念不忘。例纪念这一天。英commemorate; remenber;举行纪念性庆祝活动。例纪念教师节。英mark; in honour of; in commemoration of;[查看详情]
祭奠为追念死者并安抚其在天之灵而举行仪式。例祭奠亡魂。英obit; offer a sacrifice to; hold a memorial ceremony for;[查看详情]
怀念思念;关心。例怀念远方的友人。她怀念那些贫苦的孩子们。英cherish the memory of; think of;[查看详情]
缅怀遥念追思。例缅怀亡友。英cherish the memory of; think of past events;[查看详情]
恋念想念;念念不忘。例侨胞们恋念着祖国。英think constantly of; remember fondly;[查看详情]
想念思念怀念。例他非常想念他的妻子。英long to see again; miss;纪念品。例这个与你作个想念吧。——《红楼梦》英souvenir;[查看详情]