共 4 条词语
歪打正着比喻做法本来不适当却收到意外的理想效果。英hit the mark by a fluke; score a lucky hit; fault on the right side;[查看详情]
弄假成真本来是想作假结果竟成了真事。英what was make-believe has become reality; preterce(pretending) may become reality(truth);[查看详情]
化险为夷化险阻为平易。亦指转危为安。英turn danger into safety; come out safely from danger;[查看详情]
画龙点睛以唐张彦远《历代名画记》所述张繇僧画龙点睛的故事比喻绘画、作文在紧要之处加上一笔使其灵活而有神。英add the touch that brings a work of art to life; add a word or two to clinch the point; put life into sth.like dotting the eyeball in painting a drag[查看详情]