共 3 条词语
因陋就简指将就原有的简陋条件办事。比喻任其简陋、不求改进。例当丰亨豫大之时而为因陋就简之说,君臣上下动以此借口于是安意肆志,无所不为而大祸起矣。——宋朱熹《朱子全书》英make do with what ever local resources one can lay hands on; do things simply and thrif[查看详情]
一贫如洗穷得家里像被水洗过似的。形容一无所有。英as poor as church mouse; dirt-poor; penniless;[查看详情]
家徒四壁家中极端贫困空无所有,徒有四堵墙壁树立。英utterly destitute; be empty of all furniture; be extremely poor with only the walls of the household standing; with nothing is one's house but bare walls;[查看详情]