
共 5 条词语

  • 余音绕梁

    yú yīn rào liáng

    余音绕梁形容歌声或音乐优美、余音回旋不绝。例曹娥之齐鬻歌假食既去余音绕梁,三日不绝。——晋张华《博物志》英leave a lasting and pleasant impression;[查看详情]

  • 珠圆玉润

    zhū yuán yù rùn

    珠圆玉润如珠之圆,如玉之润。形容文字圆熟或歌喉美妙动听。英round as pearls and smooth as jade; smooth and sweet; smooth and easy;[查看详情]

  • 娓娓动听

    wěi wěi dòng tīng

    娓娓动听音调优美、悦耳令人愉快感兴趣。英charming; talk with eloquence;[查看详情]

  • 百听不厌

    băi tīng bù yàn

    百听不厌形容乐曲或歌曲好听使人听多少遍也不厌烦。英be worth hearing a hundred times; never get tired of hearing;[查看详情]

  • 绕梁三日

    rào liáng sān rì

    绕梁三日形容音乐高昂激荡虽过了很长时间,好像仍在回响。英(of singing) sonorous,resounding and prolonged;[查看详情]